These are good starting points to get the vibe of my writing.
Vocal fry and illusory unravelments
A friend recently pointed out that I have a discernable vocal fry. I had to look it up—a short description immediately made me understand that I had it. Vocal fry is the lowest register (tone) of your voice characterized by its deep, creaky, breathy sound. It’s the casual, rolling

A low-hanging fruit to pluck
Friends know me for having a broad and discerning palate. In recent years, I have realised that this quality of mine has been an endless stream of joy and that has enriched my day-to-day. I have also felt that many people don’t draw from this stream enough. <!--more--> Here’s my attempt

We, the Citizens and systems thinking
“No one can define or measure justice, democracy, security, freedom, truth, or love. No one can define or measure any value. But if no one speaks up for them, if systems aren’t designed to produce them, if we don’t speak about them and point toward their presence or

Just the right amount of unpleasant
There’s a pattern of things I predictably like—which I shall now call “just the right amount of unpleasant”. Some examples to follow. <!--more--> Food and Beverage * Fermented, funky stuff—kimchi, kombucha, certain cheeses and curd have just the right amount of “spoilt” sourness to them. * Durian, with its pungency and

A caution against ephemeralization
These days I derive little joy from my possessions of necessity. Knowledge workers, over the last couple of decades, have traded the engagement of our senses for an upgrade in flexibility. I shall elaborate. <!--more--> Let’s take a phone. Here’s a rough chronology. Notice the gradual loss of visual, tactile and