sisyphus 1

This is three: 3 This is \(\frac{1}{3}\): 0.333... π is approximately but not exactly 3.1415 in Hindu-Arabic numerals. <!--more--> π is transcendental which means π cannot be the solution of any polynomial equation. we cannot add and multiply real numbers in any combination to…

X Considered Harmful

<!--more--> Transcript from EWD 1308-11, by Edsger W Dijkstra: Finally a short story for the record. Finally a short story for the record. In 1968, the Communications of the ACM published a text of mine under the title "The goto statement considered harmful", which in later…

Sampigehoney Review

Opened and tried a new coffee today: Blue Tokai’s Sampigehoney. Love the name of that estate. <!--more--> This is the first time I’m buying coffee from BT, because of my handwavy anti-mainstream bias. But the experience all the way from order to cup has been fantastic.…

Fake Contradictory Opinions

It's an opinion that sounds unreasonable with insufficient context, but depending on a conditional or added context, makes sense. I've liked documenting these as they bring out nuances that are often missed by human brains which are fond of rigidly identifying with labels or fixed arrangements.…